Commercial Solar Installations in Sussex, Surrey, Hampshire and the South London and West London Areas

Solar Thermal UK Ltd specialises in large-scale commercial solar installations to support the needs of businesses across a full range of sectors. If you want to reduce outgoings, gain better control of your carbon footprint or build your hot water supply for the future, our commercial solar heating engineers can offer a professional fitting service using solar thermal flat plates and tubes that heat water. These combine to generate impressively high hot water yields.

We supply to the following trades and industries:

  • Local Businesses
  • Offices
  • Factories
  • Warehouses
  • Farms
  • Horticulture
  • Local Authorities
  • Educational Facilities
  • Civil Engineers
  • Manufacturing Companies

We can undertake commercial solar installations in the following areas:

Hampshire | Surrey | Sussex | South London | West London

If you would like to find out more about the benefits of renewable energies, a call to Solar Thermal UK Ltd will prove to be the perfect starting point.

Detailed Assessments and Quotations

All installations from commercial solar heating engineers differ so the eventual costs can vary in turn. Variables considered when assessing suitability include the size of the system, the cost of access equipment such as scaffolding, the solar panels you choose and the supply of our labour. With these factors in place, we will be able to provide an approximate guide on price which we will then confirm subject to us visiting the site and making a formal proposal.

If you don’t want to invest capital into commercial solar installations and wish to find alternative funding, we may be able to advise you on grants although the original FIT scheme came to an end back in 2010.

You can expect to see a return on investment from the moment we turn the new panels on, and the system begins to generate hot water. Because you will never need to pay for the hot water created through our flat plate panel and tube systems, an install starts to pay for itself as soon as you start using it.

Your return on investment will depend on:

  • The size of the installation
  • The cost of operation
  • How much energy panels generate

With our fully integrated systems, you can create surplus hot water and use it in peak periods when costs “on the grid” are at their highest.

Commercial solar installations can pay for themselves within 5 to 7 years.

The Benefits of Commercial Solar Installations

Naturally, there are many benefits that come with choosing our commercial solar heating engineers. The rising costs associated with energy and hot water usage should be enough encouragement to optimise available roof space and have panels fitted. Commercial solar installations allow businesses to harness natural sunlight and to generate a free supply of hot water.

Benefits include:

  • Free hot water generated to reduce demand from the grid and save you money on your business utility bills, increasing profitability.
  • A supply of free hot water harnessed from sunlight which, if you have a surplus, can be sold back to the grid to earn you more profit
  • Increased financial stability for your organisation in an age where we expect to see heating costs rise sharply over the next decade
  • A significant reduction in your company’s carbon footprint to support the environment and enhance your reputation for sustainability
  • Return on investment with every unit of energy generated by one of our commercial solar installations from the day we turn it on
  • More energy security at a time where the grid and regional operators have started to struggle in meeting the growth of energy demand

Commercial solar installations in the Hampshire, Surrey, Sussex, South London and West London areas, and across the UK, may require planning approval. The role of our company, and that of all commercial solar heating engineers on our team, is to make the transition from the grid to solar panels a simple and seamless process where we take care of everything. We do whatever we can to work within your permitted development rights wherever possible.

Call 07462 019718 for commercial solar installations in Hampshire, Surrey, Sussex, South London and West London.